Oral Cancer Screening
Dental exams are not only for identifying gum or tooth issues. They can also detect other health problems. Oral cancer screening is one of the general dentistry services we offer at Sapphire Creek Dental in New Braunfels, TX, helping to catch oral cancer in the early stages. Our goal is to help protect our patients from oral diseases that can affect their health and well-being, including scanning for signs of oral cancer.
According to The Oral Cancer Foundation, over 50,000 people are diagnosed with oral cancer, and over 9,000 people die from this disease each year in the U.S. What makes this form of cancer so deadly is that it is often not diagnosed until the later stages, making it difficult to treat. When it is identified in the earlier stages, it can be very treatable. Those with this disease can have a good prognosis of survival. Oral cancer screening is the best way to catch the disease in the early stages to start treatment and prevent progression of the disease.
Identify Mouth Cancer Early
The trouble with many types of oral cancer is there are few signs or symptoms. Those with the disease may not notice any discomfort or abnormal growths. Some symptoms that can occur include small sores or lesions on oral tissues that do not heal. These can be red or white, and there also may be lumps in the gums or throat, difficulty swallowing or hoarseness.
To perform oral cancer screening, Dr. Gomez looks for any lesions, lumps or changes in oral tissues. He also uses an intraoral scanner that can detect small changes in tissue that are not visible to the naked eye. By identifying mouth cancer early, there is a better chance of effective treatment for patients with this deadly disease.
Protecting your smile and health is our privilege at Sapphire Creek Dental in New Braunfels, TX. Contact us to schedule your next checkup and cleaning. Make sure to schedule an oral cancer screening during your checkup.